Organized Workshops

The two-days workshops will consist of invited lectures and contributed presentations. All speakers are invited. If you are interested in contributing to one(s) of the workshops listed below, please contact the corresponding workshop organizer(s) via e-mail.

*: Corresponding organizer

OW-1: Innovative algorithms for multicore and hierarchical computational environments

Prof. H. Okuda* (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Prof. K. Nakajima (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Prof. T. Aoki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

Multicore processors are universally available as both collections of homogeneous standard microprocessors and as attached heterogeneous co-processors, such as GPUs. At the same time, application and library software developers are still discovering how to effectively use multicore processors. It is widely recognized that careful design of software and data structures, with effective memory management are the most critical issues for optimal performance on multicore clusters and GPUs. In this workshop, we discuss current experiences and plans for future development of applications and libraries using a variety of hardware. Speakers from various kinds of backgrounds will address preliminary performance results and plans for future software design.

Invited speakers:

    • Dr. Kaushik Datta (University of California, Berkeley)
    • Dr. Leroy A. Drummond (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
    • Prof. Feng-Nan Hwang (National Central University, Taiwan)
    • Dr. Peter Thum (Fraunhofer Institute)
    • Dr. Serban Georgescu (ETH Zurich)
    • Dr. Harald Koestler (University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
    • Prof. Hidetoshi Ando (Yamanashi University)
    • Prof. Takeshi Iwashita (Kyoto University)
    • Prof. Takahiro Katagiri (The University of Tokyo)
    • Prof. Tetsu Narumi (University of Electro-communications)
    • Prof. Satoshi Ohshima (The University of Tokyo)
    • Prof. Tetsuya Sakurai (University of Tsukuba)
    • Prof. Ryuji Shioya (Toyo University)
    • Prof. Toru Takahashi (Nagoya University)
    • Dr. Mike Duchene (Oakland University)
    • Prof. Takayuki Aoki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    • Prof. Kengo Nakajima (The University of Tokyo)
    • Prof. Hiroshi Okuda (The University of Tokyo)

OW-2: Advances in optimization

Prof. K. Suzuki* (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Prof. S. Ohbayashi (Tohoku University, Japan)
Prof. S. Nishiwaki (Kyoto University, Japan)

Invited speakers:

    • Prof. Valentino Pediroda (University of Trieste, Italy)
    • Prof. Hélder C. Rodrigues (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)
    • Prof. José Miranda Guedes (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)
    • Prof. Michael Yu Wang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
    • Prof. Yoon Young Kim (Seoul National University, Korea)
    • Prof. Jeonghoon Yoo (Yonsei University, Korea)
    • Prof. Katsuyuki Suzuki (The University of Tokyo)
    • Prof. Shinji Nishiwaki (Kyoto University)
    • Prof. Masahiro Kanazaki (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
    • Prof. Koji Shimoyama (Tohoku University)
    • Prof. Makoto Ohsaki (Kyoto University)
    • Dr. Tsuyoshi Nomura (Toyota Central R&D Labs)
    • Prof. Nozomu Kogiso (Osaka Prefecture University)
    • Prof. Hideyuki Azegami (Nagoya University)
    • Prof. Kouhei Yuge (Seikei University)

OW-3: Advances in computational methods for free and moving boundary problems

Prof. K. Kashiyama* (Chuo University, Japan)
Prof. T. Nomura (Nihon University, Japan)
Prof. J. Westerink (University of Norte Dame, USA)
Prof. M. Behr (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

This workshop will bring together engineers and applied mathematicians to discuss recent advances in computational methods for free and moving boundary problems.

The topics to be covered will include ALE, space-time, non-moving-grid methods, and particle methods for fluid-structure interactions and methods for other classes of problems involving free and moving boundary problems. Application problems will come from various areas of engineering and applied sciences, including biomechanics, mechanical engineering, civil and environmental engineering.

Invited speakers:

    • Prof. Marek Behr (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
    • Prof. Clint Dowson (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
    • Prof. Antonio Huerta (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
    • Prof. Ethan Kubatko (Ohio State University, USA)
    • Prof. Djordje Peric (University of Wales Swansea, UK)
    • Prof. Joannes Westerink (University of Norte Dame, USA)
    • Prof. Wolfgang Wall (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
    • Prof. Kazuhisa Abe (Niigata University)
    • Prof. Mitsuteru Asai (Kyushu University)
    • Prof. Shintaro Bunya (Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.)
    • Dr. Manabu Hashimoto (RIKEN)
    • Dr. Junichi Matsumoto (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
    • Prof. Shigenobu Okazawa (Hiroshima University)
    • Dr. Tomohiro Sawada (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
    • Prof. Seizo Tanaka (University of Norte Dame, USA)
    • Prof. Hiroshi Watanabe (University of Tokyo)
    • Prof. Takahiro Yamada (Yokohama National University)
    • Prof. Takashi Nomura (Nihon University)
    • Prof. Kazuo Kashiyama (Chuo University)

OW-4: Advanced turbulent flow simulation

Prof. M. Yamamoto* (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Prof. S. Obi (Keio University, Japan)

Turbulent flow simulation is a classic problem, but it has been more and more important in science and engineering fields. Nowadays, engineers on thermodynamics and fluid dynamics are using turbulent flow simulations in the daily design process. Turbulence modeling, numerical procedures and their applications would be research topics in near future. The objectives of this organized session “Advanced Turbulent Flow Simulation” are to present the state of the art in turbulent and its related flow simulations, and to exchange the information among the speakers and also participants. The topics in the session cover RANS, LES, RANS/LES Hybrid, DNS and a wide variety of practical applications.

Invited speakers:

    • Prof. Michael A. Leschziner (Imperial College London)
    • Prof. Haecheon Choi (Seoul National University)
    • Prof. Suad Jakirlic (Darmstadt University of Technology)
    • Prof. Thomas B. Gatski (Université de Poitiers)
    • Prof. Song Fu (Tsinghua University)
    • Prof. Kyle.D.Squires (Arizona State University)
    • Prof. Nobuyuki Oshima (Hokkaido University)
    • Prof. Hiroshi Maekawa (University of Electro-Communications)
    • Prof. Takeo Kajishima (Osaka University)
    • Prof. Fujihiro Hamba (University of Tokyo)
    • Prof. Satoru Yamamoto (Tohoku University)
    • Prof. Hirofumi Hattori (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
    • Prof. Mamoru Tanahashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    • Prof. Makoto Tsubokura (Hokkaido University)
    • Prof. Shinnosuke Obi (Keio University)
    • Prof. Koji Fukagata (Keio University)
    • Prof. Makoto Yamamoto (Tokyo University of Science)

OW-5: Computational biomechanics

Prof. S. Koshizuka* (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Prof. M. Oshima (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Prof. R. Torii (Imperial College London, UK)

The mechanics of living organisms is studied by computational approaches. This topic involves fluid dynamics, solid dynamics and their interaction for macroscopic and microscopic blood flow in blood vessels, gas exchange in lungs, dynamics of organ motion, impact analysis, etc. The computational approaches used are finite element methods, the finite volume methods and particles methods. Medical image data can be combined. Medical application, for example diagnosis of cerebral aneurysm, virtual surgery, radiation therapy, as well as basic understanding of the biomechanics is aimed.

Invited speakers:

    • Prof. Suvranu De (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
    • Dr. Xiangyu Hu (Technical University Munich)
    • Prof. Seungik Baek (Michigan State University)
    • Dr. Andrew Comerford (Technische Universität München)
    • Prof. Shengzhang WANG (Fudan University)
    • Prof. Paolo Zunino (Politecnico di Milano)
    • Dr. Ryo Torii (Imperial, UK)
    • Prof. Marie Oshima (The University of Tokyo)
    • Prof. Seiichi Koshizuka (The University of Tokyo)
    • Dr. Kazuyasu Sugiyama (The University of Tokyo)
    • Dr. Satoshi Ii (The University of Tokyo)
    • Prof. Kenichi Tsubota (Chiba University)
    • Dr. Dai Watanabe (Ube National College of Technology)

OW-6: Multiphysics for micromachines and micromaterials

Prof. G. Nagai (Gifu University, Japan)
Prof. D. Ishihara (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Prof. T. Toriyama (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Prof. N. Miki (Keio University, Japan)
Prof. N. Takano* (Keio University, Japan)

This workshop discusses the advances in multiphysics computational methods together with the fundamental experimental studies and measurement for the multi-physics modeling of wide range of MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems)/sensors/actuators and related materials, thin films or their processing such as etching and lithography. Especially, electro-mechanical coupling and electro-chemical coupling problems for PZT or PPy, power MEMS and bio-MEMS will be highlighted. Also, a sensor network system and related information processing techniques such as data mining, sensor agent scheduling etc. are welcome to this workshop. Through one and half days discussion on modeling, simulation and design by analysis of micromachines and micromaterials from both engineering and application standpoints, the workshop aims at reviewing current unsolved problems and trying to find their solution and the target and goal for the multiphysics and computational mechanics researches.

Invited speakers:

    • Prof. Luc G. Fréchette (Universite de Sherbrooke)
    • Dr. Francois-Xavier Nicoul (ONERA - Fort de Palaiseau)
    • Prof. Tomonari Furukawa (Virginia Tech.)
    • Prof. Jiangyu Li (Unviersity of Washington)
    • Prof. Jie Wang (Zhejiang University)
    • Prof. M. Mizuno (Akita Prefecture University)
    • Dr. Woosang Jung (Tokyo University)
    • Prof. M. Suzuki (Kansai University)
    • Dr. M. Okada (Software Cradle Co., Ltd)
    • Prof. N. Miki (Keio University)
    • Prof. M. Omiya (Keio University)
    • Prof. D. Ishihara (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
    • Prof. N. Takano (Keio University)
    • Prof. G. Nagai (Gifu University)

OW-7: Multiscale simulation and modeling of material behavior

Prof. K. Terada (Tohoku University, Japan)
Prof. A. Takahashi* (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)

Multiscale simulation and materials modeling are now recognized as promising approaches to investigate the characteristic behavior of materials deeply related to underlying microstructure, and to explore the physical picture of the macro- and micro-structure relationship. In this context, two separate classes of multiscale methods are worth utilizing. One of them is a homogenization-based approach, which generally relies on the finite element method. The other focuses on the atomistic and meso-scopic material behaviors, and hinges on atomistic and defect-based simulation approaches, such as ab-initio and classical molecular dynamics and dislocation dynamics. However, there is still huge gap between these two approaches, which impedes making a direct connection of these two different scales. The objective of this workshop is to get together the scientists and engineers working in the multiscale simulation and materials modeling, and to discuss the recent advances in the multiscale simulation and materials modeling for finding a bridge between these two similar but different approaches.

Invited speakers:

    • Prof. Eduardo Alberto de Souza Neto (Swansea University)
    • Prof. Maenghyo Cho (Soul National University)
    • Prof. Julien Yvonnet (Universite Paris-Est)
    • Prof. Robert Gracie (University of Waterloo)
    • Prof. Zhiqiang Wang (University of North Texas)
    • Dr. Jerry Quek Siu Sin (Institute of High Performance Computing)
    • Prof. Kazumi Matsui (Yokohama National University)
    • Prof. Yuichi Tadano (Saga University)
    • Prof. Tomohiro Takaki (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
    • Prof. Tetsuya Matsuda (Tsukuba University)
    • Dr. Ikumu Watanabe (Toyota Central R&D Labs. Inc.)
    • Prof. Kisaragi Yashiro (Kobe University)
    • Prof. Tomotsugu Shimokawa (Kanazawa University)
    • Prof. Ryosuke Matsumoto (Kyoto University)
    • Prof. Shotaro Hara (Tokyo University)
    • Prof. Akiyuki Takahashi (Tokyo University of Science)

OW-8: Advances in structural collapse / structural impact analyses

Prof. D. Isobe* (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Prof. K. Uenishi (Kobe University, Japan)
Prof. M. Beppu (National Defense Academy of Japan, Japan)

Catastrophic disasters of structures occurred recently are mainly caused by sudden, extreme external loads such as aircraft collision, explosion, large seismic excitation, tsunami, typhoon, tornado, and big fire. Dynamic numerical codes are generally used to investigate such phenomena. However, strong nonlinearity in the deformation of structures and rapidness of the external loads often generate higher hurdle in the analyses. The main purpose of this workshop is to bring together scientists and engineers who work in the fields mentioned above, and to discuss on the state-of-the-art numerical codes and the numerical analyses regarding collapse and impact problems of civil and architectural structures.

Invited speakers:

    • Mr. David Vaughan (Weidlinger Associates Inc.)
    • Prof. Jinkoo Kim (Sunkyunkwan Univ.)
    • Prof. Ioan R. Ionescu (University of Paris 13)
    • Prof. Jean-Pierre Vilotte (Institute of Earth Physics of Paris)
    • Dr. John E. Crawford (Karagozian & Case)
    • Dr. Nelson E. Pulido (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention)
    • Prof. Daigoro Isobe (University of Tsukuba)
    • Prof. Koji Uenishi (Kobe University)
    • Prof. Masuhiro Beppu (National Defense Academy of Japan)
    • Prof. Shojiro Motoyui (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    • Dr. Takumi Ito (Tokyo University of Science)
    • Dr. Junichi Suzuki (Tokyo University of Science)
    • Prof. Nobuki Kame (University of Tokyo)
    • Dr. Ryosuke Ando (Geological Survey of Japan, AIST)
    • Prof. Yoshimi Sonoda (Kyushu University)
    • Dr. Masahide Katayama (ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation)

OW-9: Computational fracture mechanics for crack and crack propagation analyses

Prof. H. Okada (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Prof. T. Nagashima* (Sophia University, Japan)

The structural integrity assessments for power plant structures, airplanes, ships, off-shore structures, etc. are important issues to insure their safe and continuing operations. Computational fracture mechanics is one of the most important tools to perform analyses for the structural integrity assessments.

In recent years, the field of computational fracture mechanics has rapidly progressed as new computational methodologies such as eXtended finite element method (X-FEM), s-Version finite element method (s-FEM), various mesh free methods, parallel/large scale computation, etc. were proposed and have been applied to the fracture mechanics problems. The researches/engineers in the field of computational fracture mechanics have put a lot of efforts to enhance the existing and develop new computational methods.

In this organized workshop, the researchers and engineers in the field of computational fracture mechanics are invited to present the latest developments in the field.

Invited speakers:

    • Prof. Leslie Banks-Sills (Tel Aviv University
    • Prof. Michele Chiumenti (University of Politéchnica de Catalunya (UPC))
    • Prof. Xu Fei (Northwestern Polytechnical University)
    • Prof. Xiaosheng Gao (The University of Akron)
    • Dr. Bernard Paul-Emile (Ecole Centrale de Nantes)
    • Prof. Shengping Shen (Xi'an Jiaotong University)
    • Dr. Frederick (Bud) Brust (EMC2, Engineering Mechanics Corporation of Columbus)
    • Prof. Seiya Hagihara (Saga University)
    • Dr. Hiroshi Kawai (University of Tokyo)
    • Dr. Mao Kurumatani (Tohoku University)
    • Dr. Hitoshi Matsubara (Uiversity of Ryukyus)
    • Prof. Toshio Nagashima (Sophia University)
    • Prof. Hiroshi Okada (Tokyo University of Sciecne)
    • Prof. Yuzuru Sakai (Yokohama National University)
    • Dr. Kazuki Shibanuma (Kyoto University)
    • Dr. Satoyuki Tanaka (Hiroshima University)
    • Prof. Yoshitaka Wada (Tokyo University of Sciecne, Suwa)