From the President
Toshio Nagashima (The 15th president of JSCES)
The Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science (JSCES), an academic organization that aspires to develop and apply computational engineering, is now in its 29th year since its establishment in 1995 and is now reaching its maturity stage. Since our incorporation in 2010, we have undergone repeated revisions and improvements to our articles of incorporation and various regulations, and our operating structure is becoming more stable. In 2025, we will finally reach the milestone of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the society. The operations of this association have been maintained despite the various hardships caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the economic environment that has become increasingly severe since then, and the number of regular and corporate members continues to increase slightly. In addition, the number of participants and presentations at JSCES's main event, the Computational Engineering Conference, has recovered to roughly the same level as before the coronavirus pandemic, and we are receiving various forms of support from companies. It is thought that the activities are recognized and expected by society.
On the other hand, with the expansion of application fields and social demands in computational engineering, in addition to the development of conventional technologies, there is a need to introduce new concepts and technologies. In particular, the speed at which artificial intelligence (AI) technology develops and disseminates into society is remarkable. AI technology is essential even in computational engineering, and its introduction is expected to accelerate. Although this is not limited to computational engineering, it is necessary to determine whether the information provided by generative AI is truly reliable and correct. As Japan's premier corporate academic society related to computational engineering, it is hoped that JSCES will continue disseminating the most reliable and accurate information in this field.
It is of utmost importance to cultivate the next generation of human resources who can inherit, develop, and apply the disciplines and technologies collectively known as computational engineering. There are concerns that the number of human resources who will lead the future of computational engineering will decrease due to society's diversification, the decline in the young population, and the shift away from science and engineering fields. It is imperative that we act as soon as possible to resolve this issue.
In light of the above circumstances, we have established an activity policy to revitalize academic activities and make our society a solid management system that can contribute to the further development of computational engineering. We would like to uphold the following mission: ``We aim to be an academic society that can disseminate reliable and correct information about computational engineering in response to society's expectations, and we strive to develop human resources who will be responsible for the next generation of computational engineering.''
(A) Promoting academic activities that are trusted by society and meet expectations
As Japan's premier corporate academic society related to computational engineering, we promote the publication of high-quality and attractive collections of papers, journals, and books. We will also strive to enrich the content of the JSCES's website and disseminate its activities to society.
(B) Activation of activities to develop next-generation human resources
We will promote various activities that contribute to developing next-generation human resources to realize the sustainable development of the academic society.
- Encourage young researchers, including graduate students, to participate in the Computational Engineering Conference, study groups, summer camps (JSCES Summer Student Conference), and seminars, as well as encourage academic research and technology development in computational engineering through award programs.
- We encourage members to actively participate in international research exchanges by holding international conferences sponsored by our association and publicizing international conferences and seminars sponsored by the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM).
- We support short-term study abroad for doctoral course students through a grant-type scholarship system.
- We will cooperate with information education and make it known to junior high and high school students that there is a discipline and technology called computational engineering that is an extension of information classes.
(C) Sound financial management
The domestic economic environment is becoming increasingly difficult due to rising prices and the yen depreciation. In addition, administrative work is increasing due to the activation of academic activities. In light of this situation, we are streamlining operations and member services through active use of ICT (information and communication technology) and activating public relations activities using the society website to balance operating income and expenditures and stabilize finances.
We are committed to providing reliable and accurate information that is useful to all members. We thank all our members for their cooperation, guidance, and encouragement.
Toshio Nagashima
Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Faculty of Science and Technology
Sophia University
Ph.D. in Engineering, the University of Tokyo, May 1999
M.S. in Engineering, the University of Tokyo, March 1987
B.S. in Engineering, the University of Tokyo, March 1985
2007 -present, Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University
2002 -2007, Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University
2001-2002, Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University
1990-2001, Researcher, Mitsubishi Research Institute
1987-1990, Researcher, Hitachi Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory
Professor Toshio Nagashima’s research interests lie in computational mechanics. He has been involved in developing the extended finite element method (XFEM)to solve fracture problems of metal and composite structures. Other areas of interest include fluid-structure interaction problems, the stochastic Finite Element Method, and parallel computing.
He received a computational mechanics achievements award from JSME (The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) 2013. He is a Fellow of JSME and Chair of the JSME Certificate Committee of CM (Computational Mechanics) Engineer. He has been a board member of JSCES (The Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science) since 2014. He had been an editorial committee member of editor of Transactions of JSASS (The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences) from 2013 to 2014 and has been an editor of Transactions of JSCES since 2013.
Prof. Nagashima has published extensively in computational mechanics over the past 30 years. He has been involved in academic activity and has conducted joint industry projects using his computational mechanics methods.